BMIT conducted an online survey of 462 ICT industry and market executives about their feelings as to the state of the industry, as well as the adoption of technologies such as, Cloud, Big Data, Enterprise Mobility, IoT, AI and Blockchain. The survey was conducted on myBroadband and BusinessTech, and redirected all those respondents (1320) who were neither ICT industry, or market executives into another survey.
Sample Size and Breakdown
In total, 462 interviews were done with ICT industry and market executives. 269 ICT industry executives (senior employees who work for companies selling ICT products and services) and 193 ICT market executives (senior employees who work for companies outside of the ICT industry, but in an ICT function in the business)
Table of Contents
Samples Size and Breakdown
Executive Highlights
South African Economic Overview
- GDP in 2019 and 2018
- Challenges for the economy
- Potential for the economy
- Inflation and interest rates
- Fixed capital formation
- GDP vertical segmentation over time
- GDP growth in industry vertical sectors
- Unemployment
- Employment vs Unemployment
- Employment by industry sector, and growth
- Employment by industry sector, split by type
- ICT-related occupations by vertical
Companies & Segmentation
- Number of companies
- Corporate, Midmarket and SME segments
- Businesses by size (number of employees)
- Companies by vertical sector
SA Vertical market by customer segment and ICT category
- SA ICT market spend; by customer
- SA ICT market spend; Business market
- Corporate sector ICT growth
- SME and Midmarket sector ICT growth
- Business sector ICT market by vertical sector, 2018
- Business sector ICT spend growth per vertical
- Business sector ICT spend per vertical, by size category, 2018
- Business sector ICT spend per vertical, by product category, 2018
- Business sector telecoms spend growth per vertical, by category, 2018
- Business sector telecoms spend growth per vertical
- Business sector IT spend by vertical sector, 2018
- Business sector IT spend growth per vertical, 2018-2023 (R’000)
ICT Industry Survey
- Type of ICT Company
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service
- Platform-as-a-Service
- Cloud Productivity (SaaS)
- Cloud ERP (SaaS)
- Big Data and Analytics
- Enterprise Mobility
- AI
- Blockchain
- IT Budgets
- Financial State
- Optimism for Future
- Confidence Level
- 2020 vs 2019
- Sales Pipeline
- Customer Decision Time
- Factors of Concern
- Expected Vertical Sector Growth
ICT Market Survey
- Digital Progressiveness
- Big Data and Analytics
- Enterprise Mobility
- AI
- Blockchain
- Cloud adoption
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service
- Platform-as-a-Service
- Cloud Productivity (SaaS)
- Cloud ERP (SaaS)
- Cloud Services
- Cloud Deployment Model
- Motivation for Cloud Computing
- Cloud Challenges
- Cloud Use Cases
- Cloud Service Usage
- Productivity Suite
- Collaboration
- IT Staff Salaries – Growth expected in 2020
- IT Hardware – Growth expected in 2020
- IT Software – Growth expected in 2020
- IT Services – Growth expected in 2020
- Public Cloud – Growth expected in 2020
- Private Cloud – Growth expected in 2020
- Private WAN / VPN – Growth expected in 2020
- Internet Connectivity – Growth expected in 2020
- Fixed Line Voice – Growth expected in 2020
- Mobile Services – Growth expected in 2020
Deliverables and format
The outcomes of the research and analysis are documented in a rich PowerPoint. Clients are also entitled to a presentation/workshop in Johannesburg (may be combined with other topics at BMIT’s discretion).
Further information
For further information and details on how to subscribe to this research please contact Anita Mathews on 082 466 2317 or