A wireless telecoms operator required an end-to-end strategy review. This included a multi-layered market study followed by a full cost and profitability analysis, recommendations as to improving profitability at both the product and customer level, and identifying where the company was making or losing money.

The solution approach

The market study involved extensive quantitative and qualitative primary research and modelling. The cost and profitability assessment required going through the whole company by division or functional area and employing FAC techniques costs with respect to both business processes and network elements, and understanding the variable cost structure of the business in detail. Use was made of a telecoms industry standard model to describe all the network elements and business processes. BMI-T reviewed the various network types in the organisation and identified the existence of a suitable evolutionary path for each into the future.

The outcomes or the project

Recommendations were made as to how to grow the revenue line (looking at the intersection of service types and customer groups as well as network elements) and simultaneously how to focus the business to achieve profitability.